Portable Rock Climbing Walls & Bungee Jumps

We are excited you are checking out the foundation of what our family business was built on! See below to learn more about our three large pieces of equipment. All items listed below are quoted per event. We do not currently offer the ability to book them online. As our business has evolved, these are often rented months, if not a full year in advance.  All inquires can be directed to wallandbungee@verticalentertainmentnh.com
Our rock walls have traveled throughout the New England region to summer and fall fairs, spring field days, college events, private parties as well as corporate events. Our combo unit is great for all ages and with our highly trained staff will be there to ensure fun is had! Tens of thousands have climbed our rock walls, but few have beat the clock to win some cash! Reach out to us for more information about having the one of our walls or bungee units at your next event!
Granite State Rock Wall & Winni Bungee Jump
This was the FIRST piece of equipment we owned and has brought joy to tens of thousands (and more) of kids and adults across New Hampshire and beyond. This is a combo unit with four climbing wall routes along with two trampolines for bungee jumping. 
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4 - Station Bungee Jump
NEW to us back in 2023! This is a hit for all ages and a fantastic option for community events, camps, schools, and family days! This 4 station bungee jump provides the opportunity for four participants to jump simultaneously. Jump on up and check out the views!
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Cruise & Climb Mobile Rock Climbing Wall
This is a newer rock wall that was added in 2021 due to high demand and expanding the main brand of the VE business.  This is a rock wall only, with no option for bungee jumping or challenges. Great for birthday parties, camps and town events!
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Ascend Adventure
The Ascend Adventure joined our fleet during the summer of 2024! With the multicolored rocks brings for a great physical attraction and more fun for the kids! Easy DIY challenges for kids at Old Home Days, National Night Out, camps all summer long and more by using only certain colors to climb to the top. This is booked directly through us so contact us when you are ready!
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